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2008.07.16. 22:39 Agent--

Rodeo Sammel!


Az alábbi sztorit az angolosoknak ajánlom figyelmébe. Sharlene (Rick felesége) szavai a Rodeo élményünkről, még mielőtt hazamentem volna. Szerintem nagyon jól ír, érdemes elolvasni. És Sam imádnivaló! Nézzétek meg a képeket is!

Rick családja -> Rick&Sharlene + gyerekek - Jeffrey (11), Sarah (8), Sam (4)
mutton bustin = amikor a gyerekek birkát lovagolnak:

Just when you think that we can’t get anymore Texan, they get down and dirty with some mutton bustin at the Mesquite rodeo! Didn’t understand any of that? Let me fill you in! 

Our company has a suite at the indoor Resistol Rodeo Arena, so on Friday night we all (about 15-20 other colleagues) headed to Mesquite to sample our first Rodeo. The cowboys were real, so were the bulls, and so was the smell! We were glad to be up in the A/c suite!

On arrival we signed Sam up for some Mutton Bustin’, not really having any idea what it actually was. We were just told that this was the thing to do. You had to weigh less than fifty lbs, and Sarah wasn’t interested, so Sam was destined for the stardom. Only 10 kids out of the audience were chosen. When he found out that he had made the cut, you would have thought he had won the lottery! He was so excited.

He and Rick disappeared and we saw them downstairs from out our suite, suiting up. Sam was so psyched. Rick told him what to do, including the holding on technique-wrap your arms as tight as you can around the sheep’s middle.

After the cowboys all had their first bull rides (is that even how you say it?!), out came the mutton busters! A big, woolly sheep was put into the pen, a kid was lowered down on to it, and told to hang on, then the gate swung open, and to loud cheers from all over the arena out shot the sheep! After the first kid came out and barely held on long enough to be seen I had my first jitters! Sam was number 8 and no one had really fared too much better. The announcer called out over the loudspeaker, ‘And all the way from Australia we have cowboy Sam A.

The gate swung open, and out shot Sam…..sitting on the sheep like it was a horse, a short second passes and Sam flew off the side, landed on his bum, and got up with that familiar stance. Hands on hips, a crying frown clear even from our box suite! Apparently Sam was really cross at the sheep’s behavior. He thought the sheep was just going to take him on a nice ride around the arena. No wonder he didn’t take the holding on advice too seriously!

The boss man came over and handed him a big gold trophy (he also got a really cool, Texas style belt buckle with ‘Mutton Buster’ on it, a cowboy bandana and we also bought a framed photo of him falling off!). It took a minute or two but that did the trick-Sam had won his first trophy and he wanted everyone to hear about it! He arrived back up in the suite triumphantly to loud cheers and congratulations!

We watched the rest of the show, which was really fun to watch. As we were leaving we got in the elevator with another family. They congratulated Sam (who was sitting on Rick’s shoulders holding the trophy aloft!) and the Dad asked ‘So did you hold on tight?’ Sam, as dry as it gets, quietly with deadpan face says, ‘not tight enough’. We all burst out laughing. Honestly, you couldn’t write a script funnier than Sam.

As time went on we discovered that the boss man had told all the kids that if they fell off they would get a trophy. Obviously, his point was to reassure the kids that they would receive a trophy no matter what happened, but of course, a four year old trophy-desperado only hears, ‘fall off so you can get a trophy’. Kids eh?

Here are the photos, click on this link,




the mutton buster and his entourage xxx





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